What is in the box
- SENse Air Wall mounted Interactive Projection Unit
- 1x Black remote
- 1x white remote (diagnostics)
- 1x Logitech Keyboard
- 1x Laminated sheet
- 1x Activity Pack

Installation of the SENse Air Interactive Projection
- Find a suitable wall to install the SENse Air onto
- Optimised height for installation of the SENse Air is approx. 1.4m from floor to the bottom of the unit
- Install using appropriate fixings for your wall type and construction

Start Up
- Plug the unit in
- If an RCD plug has been supplied hold down the orange reset button
- The unit should automatically start up and play the Imaginate software
- If the unit does not come on press the red button on the black remote
- The PC power button is located on the underside of the unit if you need to reset the PC
- The white projector remote can be used as a back up if the projector does not start up

Software validation
- The Imaginate software will attempt to validate the licence. If this fails your machine will need to be connected to the internet
- To manually connect to the internet you will need to exit out of the Imaginate software. Press the home button on the remote and choose the settings button.
- Select Networks and connect to your WI-FI
- If validation fails please call 01283 551551 During office hours
- Once the software has validated, the Imaginate software will begin to play interactive activities until you press the home button on the remote.

Settings- Access to the following sub menu
- Networks – Connecting to your WIFI
- Resize- Change the size of the image to suit the surface you are projecting onto
- Light Calibration- Select this option if you feel the interaction is slightly out or you have moved from a darker room to a lighter room
- Restart- Restart the machine and software
- Shutdown- When you have finished with the unit, turn of the machine here

Play – Access the following sub menus
- Shuffle All- Select this option to randomly play all the activities available within Imaginate
- By Profile- Select the profile button to choose a specific profile, either a default one such as Christmas or one you have created via the Cloud Editor.
- Browse Library- Search through all the available activities and choose an individual activity to play
- Themed- Select the themed option to play the activities that have been created based on the current them i.e winter, Easter etc.

Hidden Menu
Imaginate can read aloud any text within the activities such as questions and within the story board
To enable to text to speech press the button with the three lines and select the enable text to speech button

Switching off the unit
- Select the home button on the remote to go back to the main menu
- Select the settings icon
- choose shutdown
This is shutdown the software and the SENse Air

The App
Included with your Imaginate subscription is access to the Imaginate App. When you log into the Cloud Editor there is a link to download or it can be downloaded from the Play store or App store. (Search for Imaginate Integrex Limited when in the store). The App allows you to instantly play activities or profiles directly from a phone or tablet.
- Login to the Cloud Editor (your user name and password are on the laminated sheet supplied with the unit), if you have misplaced these then please get in touch
- Enter the admin screen
- Press the i button next to the machine you want to link to the app
- A pop up box will appear and a link in the right top corner which says view link code
- Scan the QR code with your app on the tablet or phone

Cloud Editor
With your SENse Air you will have been provided with a laminated sheet containing a username and a password for your Cloud Editor.
To access the Cloud Editor visit
Enter the user name and password provided on the laminated sheet
Once in the Cloud Editor you can create new activities and profiles as well as import your own images, videos and sounds to help with the content creation.
Contact us today to learn about the SENse range and how they can enhance the lives of your services users.