Olfactory Stimulation

Introducing Olfactory Stimulation through our products, carefully crafted to deliver controlled scents for individuals with special education needs. This sensory input aids integration and holistic understanding by engaging the sense of smell, enhancing overall sensory experiences.

Multi scent distribution DMX controlled aromatherapy machine, allows for sequenced aromatherapy oil distribution

SENse Scent 5

Unlock the power of scent and unleash your creativity with SENse Scent 5. Transform spaces, captivate audiences, and leave a lasting impression. Experience the art of scent diffusion like never before!

Multi scent distribution DMX controlled aromatherapy machine, allows for sequenced aromatherapy oil distribution

SENse Scent 3

Unlock the power of scent and unleash your creativity with SENse Scent 3. Transform spaces, captivate audiences, and leave a lasting impression. Experience the art of scent diffusion like never before!

Contact us today to learn more about our Olfactory Stimulation range and how they can enhance the lives of your service users.