Wartime Aromatherapy Collection

Embark on a nostalgic journey with our Wartime Aromatherapy Collection, meticulously curated to recreate the ambiance of past eras, offering an immersive sensory experience. Explore now for a captivating journey through time.


Aromatherapy Benefits

Aromatherapy benefits individuals with dementia and those with additional needs, such as autism and those in care environments. By using essential oils, it promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and enhances well-being. Specifically, calming scents like lavender or bergamot alleviate stress in dementia patients, while citrus oils like lemon or orange improve mood and cognitive function. Additionally, for individuals with autism, essential oils like frankincense or cedarwood aid sensory regulation and promote calmness.

Multi scent distribution DMX controlled aromatherapy machine, allows for sequenced aromatherapy oil distribution

Wartime Aromatherapy Collection

Embark on a nostalgic journey with our Wartime Aromatherapy Collection, meticulously curated to recreate the ambiance of past eras and offering an immersive sensory experience. Furthermore, explore now for a captivating journey through time. Additionally, each scent is designed to evoke memories and transport you to another period, making it a unique addition to your aromatherapy collection.

Troops with sunset

Gunpowder Blast

Experience the distinctive scent of gunpowder, which evokes the essence of wartime battles and historical moments. Furthermore, immerse yourself in an authentic aroma that transports you to the past. Additionally, this unique fragrance invites you to reflect on history, creating a powerful sensory journey that enhances your connection to those significant times.


Toasting marshmellows over the campfire

Smoky Campfire

Capture the essence of a smoky campfire, which evokes images of soldiers gathered around for warmth and companionship. Furthermore, this scent creates a nostalgic atmosphere that is reminiscent of the camaraderie forged in times of war. Additionally, it invites reflection on shared experiences, making it a powerful reminder of unity and strength during challenging moments



Soldiers fighting on the battlefield

Earthy Trenches

Indulge in the earthy aroma of trenches, which evokes the scent of damp soil and vegetation. Furthermore, this fragrance transports you to the challenging conditions experienced by soldiers during wartime. Additionally, it allows you to experience history through scent, creating a vivid connection to the past that deepens your appreciation of their sacrifices.



Herbal remedies bowl of herbs to help heal wartime

Medicinal Herbs

Immerse yourself in herbal scents associated with traditional wartime medicine, which provide a unique sensory experience. Furthermore, essential oils like Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree offer a soothing and healing aroma, reminiscent of the efforts made to care for wounded soldiers. Additionally, these fragrances evoke a sense of comfort and resilience, allowing you to experience the essence of wartime care through scent. Ultimately, this collection honors the dedication and compassion of those who served.


Baked bread roll

Rationed Foods

Discover scents that evoke the aromas of rationed foods during wartime. For instance, from the comforting aroma of baked goods to the preserved scents of canned fruits, these fragrances provide a unique experience. Furthermore, they offer a glimpse into the daily life and ingenuity of those living in wartime. Additionally, each scent invites you to step back in time through fragrance, allowing you to connect with history in a deeply personal way.


Multi scent distribution DMX controlled aromatherapy machine, allows for sequenced aromatherapy oil distribution

Looking for an aromatherapy unit?

Enhance your sensory experiences with the SENse Scent 3-Channel diffuser with DMX. Immerse your audience in captivating aromas, harmonizing with light, sound and ambiance, to create unforgettable multi sensory encounters.

Discover the power of our Wartime Aromatherapy Collection to enhance lives.

If you can’t find a match, contact us to discuss your needs. We’re here to help you find the perfect solution.