Sensory Integration Room and Environment

A versatile and cost-effective solution designed for floor projection. With the optional trolley, this system offers remarkable flexibility, allowing you to use it on the floor, table, wheelchair tray, or bed

Sensory Integration Environment

Experience the Sensory Integration Room and Environment, Carefully Designed to Provide a Variety of Sensory Inputs, Including Tactile, Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, Vestibular, and Proprioceptive

Why Us

Discover Customized Sensory Integration Spaces Tailored to Your Users’ Needs, Budget, and Space. Explore a Wide Range of Sensory Integration Features to Enhance Mobility Skills, Balance, and Bodily Awareness


Discover the Calming and Supportive Benefits of a Sensory Integration Room. Our Specialist Environment Provides a Range of Sensory Input, Including Visual, Tactile, Auditory, Olfactory, Vestibular, and Proprioceptive Stimulation. Customized to Suit Users’ Preferences, Our Sensory Integration Environment Helps Regulate and Relax, Providing Relief from Sensory Overload, Anxiety, and Meltdowns. Ideal for Educational Activities, Occupational Therapy, Playtime, or Simply a Relaxing Break. Create a Supportive Space to Explore Senses and Foster Coping Skills


Experience Inclusivity and Accessibility with Our Sensory Integration Room Design. Our Customized Rooms Are Accessible for All Users, Ensuring Participation Regardless of Ability. With Hoist Accessible Platforms and Ball Pits, Wheelchair Users and Those with Limited Mobility Can Fully Engage in the Sensory Experience. Embrace Inclusivity in Your Integration Room Design


Customize Your Sensory Integration Space to Fit Individual Needs. We Understand the Importance of Tailoring the Environment to Specific Requirements and Preferences. Our Expert Team Selects the Ideal Equipment and Layout to Create an Optimal Sensory Experience for Your Unique Solution

Get Results

Unlock the Benefits of Sensory Integration Space: Enhance Focus, Reduce Stress, Boost Mood, Improve Motor Skills, and Promote Relaxation and Sleep Quality. Discover the Power of Sensory Integration

Contact us today to learn more about our range of sensory integration and how we can help you create a space that allows your users to explore in a safe environment.

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